Market Research Survey Results/Analysis!!!!! YAYYYYY


I included this question in survey most importantly because I wanted to know what kind of gender my magazine will attracting. 

When creating my magazine I want to know what will be more or less the age range of my audience. This survey helped me determine that it will most likely be teens my age, 17-18 years old.

As I figure out the topic for my magazine, this provided some intel on whether or not I should stick to this topic or should I change it. With majority voting that the topic will be interesting to them made me decide to stick to my original topic.

As I viewed the different responses to whether I should change the name of my magazine I decided to stay with 2 different options "Over It" and "Stacked Up". Only because I'm an indecisive person, PER USUALLL.

Hopefully this will be my final decision for my cover page but, it will be one of my models with one of the latest sneakers, and an outfit that represents streetwear or urban fashion. 

As my magazine topic will be about fashion, I don't want my color scheme to be extravagant. With that being said I like the idea of my color scheme being red, black, and white.
